Saturday, August 20, 2016

My Final Campaign Letter

Hello all of my friends in Cochise County and beyond,

It has been a beautiful rainy season with just enough sunny days to get the work done and plenty of rain to make the skies bluer, the clouds fluffier and the hills green enough to make everyday labor a pleasure. Today the grass is just as green on our side of the fence and I am so grateful for that blessing.  The campaign has given me ample opportunity to ramble along the byways of Southern AZ and enjoy things I haven’t noticed for a while. But the joy has come from experiencing the new friends I am making.  People with heartstrings in tune with the mine, having the same love for this great country and people who are as strong and beautiful as the mountains all around us. I am quickly falling in love with all of you. Many are reaching out to me, hoping for and anticipating a change.  Life in Cochise County has presented challenges to them and government has left it’s mark (often unpleasant and unyielding) upon some, even in our peaceful communities.  I have pledged my attention, listening ear and sheer determination to help be a mediator and champion the causes of my constituents.  I am receiving calls regularly and have begun to research and help where I can.  I am grateful for the confidence you are already showing in me and appreciate the many hundreds of people who smile and say, “You have my vote!” 

Gearing Up
With the election closing in – less than 1 dozen days away – I am very excited that I have such great support.  I am giving it my all and have moved beyond the $500 dollar threshold just today, with my first radio ad coming out.  I just heard it!  I hope you will listen to KHIL or The Cave in Benson and let me know what you think.  The final decision to begin taking donations and making the added effort was made when you began reaching out to me in frequency and numbers, telling me that you need me.  I switched gears, I am no longer running for me at all, I am running for you!

Thinking on My Feet
I haven’t been challenged to this degree in a few years, it is no longer possible for me to sit back and take life as it is dished out.  My brain, my intellect and even my muscles are are tuned to you.  I rely much on prayer and inspiration and it has been coming.  Many of the activities I have planned and ideas I have presented are kindly suggested and supported by others and some hatched, miraculously, in my brain.  I am equally grateful for each and anxious to receive any and all suggestions you may have for the next 2 weeks and beyond.   Catch me at anytime of day, at the store, at home or headed to a meeting – I am excited to speak with you and offer my answers to your hard questions.  It does get easier with practice.  I believe it is important “training” that a person must go through to be prepared to hold office and be a true leader.  My number is 520-507-1880 or 520-507-1735.

Upcoming Events:

Saturday, August 20th  Benson TEA Party at the Grace Chapel, 1050 S Post Rd. in Benson. 10:00AM  Candidates including myself will be speaking.

Monday, August 22nd CAR POOL to Safford for “Hillary’s America Movie” Presented by the Graham County Tea Party and the Graham County Republican Women’s club.
MEET at 4:15PM at 705 N Arizona Ave, (my house) to coordinate rides. We need to leave at 4:35PM
Call or text to RSVP 507-1880. Please let me know if you would volunteer to drive... We can all pitch in for gas.  
MOVIE WILL BE HELD AT: Safford's Victory Fellowship theater
TIME: Meet in lobby at 5:30 pm, with a short discussion. Then, the watch the movie at 615 pm. After the movie a short discussion will be held to discuss the movie and its impact on the General Election in November.
NOTE: The movie is being presented by Victory Fellowship, so each one of us will need to purchase our own tickets from the Theater: $7.00 for adults, $5.00 for seniors over 55.
“Having seen this movie, I can say it is very accurate and complete. At the end of the movie, there was loud applause from the audience. Come and attend, and you too will feel the urge to stand and applaud.” DON CARTER

August 30th Primary Election Day Polls are open from 6AM to 7PM  -  VOTE J 
Election Night Party!  You are invited to come and celebrate your privilege to vote! 
The Judd home at 705 N Arizona Ave, Willcox, AZ
The night of the Primary election, August 30th you are all invited to my house for Kit's yummy root beer floats, made with homemade ice cream and homemade root beer! 8:00pm to 9:30pm. We will crank up the Radio, visit, play games (cards, horseshoes, corn hole, etc) and have some fun while we wait for election results. Invite your friends! We are planning on 100+ so don’t be shy. Stop by for a few minutes if you can't stay all night. Local candidates feel free to join. It can be your party too!!!

September 7th Northern Cochise County Republican Club will continue their meetings heading up to the General Election.  Now that the Primaries will be over we will be welcoming candidates from both parties and having more time for discussion of issues and ways to encourage voting in general.  5:30PM, Wednesday, September 7th at the Holiday Inn Express in Willcox. 

Closing Remarks – My Pledge
Growing up in and along with the communities in northern Cochise County, I have no other home to claim and no other interests on this earth that trump my devotion to the amazing and strong people that reside in the beautiful valleys of  District 3.
When elected...

I pledge:
My heart – will be with the people’s needs and interests
My mind – a true leader I will continue learning
My good nature – on display & at your service 24/7
My ears – will be open to your concerns and needs                                                  
My integrity - I will be honest & forthright always

If you did not receive this letter via email from me and you want to get my emails.  Please email me at and ask to be added.  Thanks!

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