Saturday, August 20, 2016

Former Arizona State Representative Running for Cochise County Board of Supervisors

Growing up in and along with the communities in northern Cochise County, I have no other home to claim and no other interests on this earth that trump my devotion to the amazing and strong people that reside in the beautiful valleys of District 3. When elected...

I pledge:
My heart
– will be with the people’s needs and interests
My mind – a true leader I will continue learning
My good nature – on display & at your service 24/7
My ears – will be open to your concerns and needs    
My integrity - I will be honest & forthright always

Experience & Education:
Precinct Committeeman
Arizona State Representative [Served on following Committees: Ag and Water, Health and Human Services, Energy and Natural Resources and Ethics]
Rex Allen Days President
Local and National Leadership and Advocacy Training
Bachelors in Anthropology from University of Arizona

I am a fiscal and social conservative and attribute those characteristics to being raised in Willcox, AZ as a farmer's daughter and more recently launching five children into adulthood. I will advocate for lower taxes and less regulation. I will always protect the Inalienable Rights granted in the Constitution and work to create a secure and safe place where we can work to achieve success and happiness today and build a promising future for generations to come by promoting… JOBS, ACCOUNTABILITY, SERVICE, EFFICIENCY, SAFETY!


1 comment:

  1. Do you need cash???? kindly contact us now on email: (
