Sunday, November 22, 2015

Two Tea Parties this Weekend have celebrated our Constitutional Roots our Liberty and divine providence from God. The correct way to live, worship and protect our God Given rights and this great nation... but not one, even though one of them was about the danger of allowing the Muslim migration into our country... not one person said we can stop it or it won't happen... it is coming - it is very real! We have to be prepared... food, weapons, but most of all be right with God. For me that means, don't fight it... give when and where you can to alleviate hunger and other plights of our brothers and sisters and help others around you to be OK. If we are right with God, He will be there for us. He loves us and he created this great nation for us. He is in charge. Thanks for listening to me once again. I hope there are some who will hear and understand. We don't have to lose what we hold dear if we are firm in our conviction and prepared to stand for what it right. Regardless of what the President or the World says. Pray and Stand for Truth and Righteousness. From my heart, Peggy Judd