Sunday, November 22, 2015

Two Tea Parties this Weekend have celebrated our Constitutional Roots our Liberty and divine providence from God. The correct way to live, worship and protect our God Given rights and this great nation... but not one, even though one of them was about the danger of allowing the Muslim migration into our country... not one person said we can stop it or it won't happen... it is coming - it is very real! We have to be prepared... food, weapons, but most of all be right with God. For me that means, don't fight it... give when and where you can to alleviate hunger and other plights of our brothers and sisters and help others around you to be OK. If we are right with God, He will be there for us. He loves us and he created this great nation for us. He is in charge. Thanks for listening to me once again. I hope there are some who will hear and understand. We don't have to lose what we hold dear if we are firm in our conviction and prepared to stand for what it right. Regardless of what the President or the World says. Pray and Stand for Truth and Righteousness. From my heart, Peggy Judd

Thursday, June 11, 2015

June Report

Last week I filed to be a candidate for the office of Cochise County Supervisor.  I have prepared my candidates petitions and will be distributing them around District 3 soon.  I appreciate all of the enthusiasm and support I am receiving and know that many of you have your hearts in this to the same degree that my heart is in this.  It is a comfort and blessing to have so many friends and acquaintances that believe in me. Thank you and I won't let you down.

I will campaign as hard or harder than I did to win the State House seat and I will be seeing you around the county at "everything" beginning in soon as the festivals and events start rolling around, you can look for me and ask all the hard questions or just settle in for a friendly chat.  Now that it is Summer, I am taking a bit of time to relax a little, go for long walks, read some books and spend time with my family.  I welcome phone calls and emails.  It would be best if you text message me, with your name, number, and a good time to return your call.  [520-507-1735 or 520-507-1880 and]  I am also on Facebook.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

People and Places of Great Importance to Me

With the greatest respect and admiration...

For the people of Northern Cochise County, I humbly submit my bid to become your new representative in the Cochise County Board of Supervisors. 
I was born and raised here and like many of you have grown up in and along with the communities we are so much a part of. I have no other home to claim and no other interests on this earth that trump my devotion to the amazing and strong people that reside in the beautiful valleys that make up District 3. When elected...

I pledge:
My heart will remain with the people and their needs and interests.
My mind - as a student of good government, through leadership training, reading and experience I will always be prepared.
My good nature will be on display and at your service at all times.
My ears will be open to your concerns and needs. My integrity is very important to me and I will always be honest and forthright in my dealings.

Experience & Education:
Precinct Committeeman
Arizona State Representative [Served on following Committees: Ag and Water, Health and Human Services, Energy and Natural Resources and Ethics]
Rex Allen Days President
Local and National Leadership and Advocacy Training
Bachelors Degree in Anthropology from University of Arizona

Drawing on my associations and experience at the Arizona State Legislature, I will continue my good work for the people of Cochise County as I perform the duties as a County Supervisor acting as the legislative arm of the county government. I am a fiscal and social conservative and attribute those characteristics to being raised in Willcox, Arizona as a farmer's daughter and more recently launching 5 children into adulthood. I will always protect the Inalienable Rights granted in the Constitution and work to create a secure and safe place, where Cochise County residents can work to achieve success and happiness today and build a future for generations to come.

Contact me:
Cell: (520) 507-1735 or (520) 507-1880   Email:

Please vote for me.
Primary Election: August 30, 2016
General Election: November 8, 2016